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What are Standpoints and how do I collect them?

Standpoints have replaced our previous reward scheme which was known as Flybuys – when you do a survey you are rewarded with a certain number of points (‘Standpoints’) depending on the length of the survey. You can then use your points to redeem for GiftPay e-vouchers, the more points you save up, the higher the value of the voucher you will receive. GiftPay e-vouchers are a digital card that can be redeemed for purchases across 40+ retailers in New Zealand. A wide variety of retailers offer you a choice to spend on things you need or love. For more information visit

How do I redeem my Standpoints / When can I expect my GiftPay Voucher?

GiftPay voucher redemption can be done either by clicking the Redeem points link on the bottom of your survey invite or by logging in to the Standpoints portal. GiftPay vouchers are processed weekly and should be in your Inbox within 7 business days. If you face any issues please contact [email protected] and we will sort it out for you.

I have a new email address / I need to correct and/or update my details

Please click the Update Details link in any of your previous survey invites to amend and/or update your email address and relevant personal information.

Who will see my personal information / I have confidentiality and security concerns

We adhere to the Market Research Code of Ethics and as such, your personal details are confidential and will not be shared or sold to any third parties. Your answers are grouped together along with others so that no personal details will be identified to you.

Who is Consumerlink?

ConsumerLink is owned by Kantar New Zealand so you can trust their surveys as much as you do ours.

I am interested to join your panel, where do I sign up?

If you would like to be a part of our research panel, you are most welcome to join us by going to and register your details. Our website will give you some information about the types of research that we do. Once you are registered, we are then able to contact you when we have research that may be suitable for you.

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