
Germany, Frankfurt, Stylish man with yellow hat and earphones in metro station

ConsumerLink takes the hassle out of survey design, field work, qualitative and sensory project recruitment, incentive management and data processing. 

ConsumerLink have been New Zealand’s leading data collection agency since our inception in 1990. We operate independently inside the Kantar network. 

ConsumerLink offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in project management across a broad range of methodologies. Our client-focused Account Managers and Project Managers are passionate about achieving the best project outcomes for our clients. They are expert in data collection and delivering it to your specifications and schedule.

ConsumerLink also offer research companies access to our Kantar New Zealand Standpoints panel. Standpoints provides ConsumerLink with access to more New Zealanders than ever before. Our dedicated panel team is expert in maintaining panel health and offers support to our panellists.

Quantitative fieldwork – CAWI, F2F, mystery shopping

ConsumerLink works closely with research companies, marketers and advertising agencies throughout Australasia and around the world to deliver timely, robust data from which to draw meaningful insight. 

Qualitative recruitment – focus groups, IDIs, sensory tasting, UX studies

ConsumerLink makes qualitative research happen with a reputation for finding, screening and confirming the specific groups of people you need to talk with. 

ConsumerLink takes the hassle out of survey design, fieldwork, focus group recruitment and data processing. 


OmniJet is ConsumerLink’s online omnibus that collects opinions from 1,000 individuals aged 18 years and over across New Zealand every two weeks.

An ideal option for smaller studies of the general online population. Cost and time effective, due to the economies of scale created by having several different sections from multiple clients in the OmniJet. 

Nandan Modak​

Head of ConsumerLink
[email protected]

Online Research

NZ’s leading ‘research only’ online panel.


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