Customer Leadership Index 2024Congratulations to House of Travel, number one this year in the annual Kantar Customer Leadership Index, New Zealand’s leading ranking of the best brands for customer experience, which was released today by data, insights and consulting company Kantar.
Customer Leadership Index 2023Kiwi online retailer Mighty Ape has moved up from 10th position last year to reach top spot in the annual Kantar Customer Leadership Index, New Zealand’s leading ranking of the best brands for customer experience, released today by data, insights and consulting company Kantar.
Customer Leadership Index 2022For the second consecutive year, Sharesies has topped the annual Kantar Customer Leadership Index, New Zealand’s leading ranking of the best brands for customer experience.
Customer Leadership Index 2021Sharesies has topped the annual Kantar Customer Leadership Index, New Zealand’s leading ranking of the best brands for customer experience.